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How to change your iONLINE Exchange account Password.

To keep your Emails, Contacts, Calendar and other information safe its best to change your password at least once a year or when you think it might be compromised.iONLINE is unable to see your account passwords but on request, we are able to reset them. 

To change your password for your iONLINE exchange account you need to do the following:

  1. First login to your exchange account via Outlook Web App. To do this go to and Enter your username and password, and then click Sign in
  2. Once you logged in click on the cog button(Which is the settings icon) on the top right corner of Outlook Web App. A box will open on the right side of the website. In the Search box search "Password" and click "Password". 
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions required to change your password. 

    NOTE: Your new password should be more than 8 characters long and include an uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. for example "iheartafrica" is long enough but doesn't meet the requirement. However "!h3artAfr1ca" Has all of the recommendations. 

You have successfully changed your password! If you have forgotten your email password or need assistance changing your password you can call us on 0861466546 or email us at 

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  1. Edwin Watson

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