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Using your Email2Fax

Using your Email2Fax:

If you have an email2fax account with us, you do not have to worry about having to set up anything on your side, as you can just start using this.

If you have a fax2email account, you will need to contact us first, to activate this service.


So how exactly do you send a fax on your newly created Email2Fax number?


Create a new email and add the contents of your Fax, you can also add attachments if required.

Then in the "to" field use the following format, with the ... representing the fax number you wish to send this to.

Press "SEND"

And that is how easy it is! You should receive a delivery report shortly to confirm whether your fax has been successfully sent.


How will I receive faxes?

Any faxes you will receive will come in as a normal email to your inbox.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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