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Add Members to a Distribution List in Outlook

Note that iONLINE has a maximum of 25 email recipients per single mail, thus your distribution group can contain no more that 25 contacts.


To add members to an Outlook distribution list from existing contacts:

  • Select Go | Contacts from the menu in Outlook.
  • Double-click on the desired distribution list.
  • Click the Select Members (or Select Members...) button.
  • Select the desired address source under Address Book (or Show Names from the:).
  • Highlight all contacts you want to add to the distribution list.
    • You can also add other distribution lists. This will add all the other list's members when you send a message to the list.
  • Click Members ->
  • Click OK.


You can also add email address to a distribution list that are not (and should not be) in your Outlook address book:

  • Select Go | Contacts from the menu in Outlook.
  • Double-click on the desired distribution list.
  • Click Add New (or Add New...).
  • Give the member a name under Display name:.
    • This field is not really important. It will show in the emails you send to the list if you use the To: or Cc: fields, though.
  • Enter the email address under E-mail address:.
  • Click OK.
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  1. Paulus Weingartz

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