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How to Send an Email to Undisclosed Recipients in Outlook

"Undisclosed" Is the Kind of Word That Can Get You Into Trouble

It's like trying to newscast a soccer match shouting: "What an inawful shot! Pele disunstroke marvelously, not undespite of the goalie being precisely a-misplaced."

In emails, disclosing can get you into trouble, too. If you forward a message to a number of friends (some of whom are unknown to each other) by placing all the recipients in the Cc: field, you effectively share private email addresses with strangers. A long Cc: list does not look good either.

Fortunately, we have the Bcc: field in Outlook — and we have "Undisclosed recipients".

Send an Email to Undisclosed Recipients in Outlook

First, we'll create a Contact just for addressing our "Undisclosed recipients" to ease the pain of repetitive typing and avoid errors. (You can rely on Outlook's auto-complete feature instead if you prefer.)

  • Click the down arrow of the New button.
  • Select Contact.
  • Type "Undisclosed recipients" under Full Name....
  • Type your email address under E-mail....
  • Click Save and Close.
    • If you already have an existing address book entry bearing your email address, make sure Add this as a new contact anyway is checked in the Duplicate Contact Detected dialog and click OK.

Now, to send an email to multiple but hidden recipients with "Undisclosed recipients" in the To: field:

  • Start with a new email message in Outlook.
  • Click the To... button.
  • Highlight Undisclosed recipients.
  • Click To ->.
  • Highlight all people in your address book to whom you want to send the message.
  • Click Bcc ->.
  • Click OK.
  • Add any additional recipients' email addresses to the Bcc: field.
    • Separate addresses with semicolons.
  • Compose your message and eventually click Send.
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  1. Paulus Weingartz

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