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Email password change via Plesk

1. Log into your Plesk account by following this link: Plesk login link and use your email and password obtained from iONLINE to the account holder.

2. Click on Mail once you have logged in:

3. Click on the mail account you would like to do the password reset.

4. Click on generate password in order for the system to generate a new password. 

You can click on show to show you the newly generated password.

You can also add a passwords of your choice. 

5.Click on OK and you are all done.

* When you enter your own password, the following conditions must be met for the password to be medium strength:

- Upercase and lowercase letters.

- Must contain at least one number.

- Must contain at least one special character.

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  1. Jacques Swanepoel

  2. Posted
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