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Setting up an APN profile on an MTN Fastlink Device (16.002.x)

1.Go to the Setup Tab and select “Profile” found under settings.

Screenshot 1 - MTN Online Setup


2.Click on the '+' sign to add a new profile.

Screenshot 2 - MTN Online Setup


3.Change the Profile name to iOnline, set the APN selection to Static and enter the APN as:
4.Select “Set as my default profile”
5.Click on Save. You’ll find the save icon highlighted just above “Cancel”.

Screenshot 3 - MTN Online Setup


6.Click on Apply Changes

Screenshot 4 - MTN Online Setup

-Once you’ve saved the profile, you can insert your 3G card and connect.

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  1. Paulus Weingartz

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
