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Basic guides on network troubleshooting steps.

The guides in this section will assist in some basic troubleshooting steps in order to establish any network issues.

  • How to provide a NSLOOKUP to support.

    Microsoft Windows does not include the dig program. However, thenslookup program provides much of the same functionality.To run nslookup on Microsoft Windows, follow these steps: Open a Command window...

  • How to provide a TRACE to support.

    Traceroute is run from a command prompt or terminal window.To run a traceroute, run the tracert command followed by the address of a website. For example,if you wanted to run a traceroute to, ...

  • How to provide a PING to support.

    The ping command has two primary uses: To check whether your connection to a remote computer works at all. To check how healthy that connection is. Even if your ping reaches its destination and you ge...